Thursday, March 1, 2012

Ovarian Cyst Treatment

Once a woman has been diagnosed with an ovarian cyst, her first thought goes towards ovarian cyst treatment. The small fluid-filled sacs that can develop in a woman's ovaries are generally harmless, yet can cause pain and bleeding when they rupture. For some women, surgery may be needed to remove the cysts.

Functional ovarian cysts, the most common type, are generally harmless and go away on their own. Women can take pain relievers at home to reduce any pain they may feel as the cyst disappears. A doctor may prescribe a strong pain reliever, however for most women over the counter medications such as Motrin or Tylenol are enough for ovarian cyst treatment.

A doctor may require monitoring of the cysts to ensure they go away safely on their own. A woman may also be prescribed oral birth control pills to regulate her menstrual cycle. Having a regulated cycle can prevent the formation of cysts and decrease the size of any large cysts. Taking a common oral contraceptive is an effective ovarian cyst treatment that does not require additional care.

For some women, surgery may be required as an ovarian cyst treatment. There are two different ways that medical professionals can remove cysts, depending on the severity of the ovarian cysts. Though surgery can be frightening, for women with severe ovarian cysts it is a beneficial way to find relief.

A laparoscopic surgery is the simplest surgery when dealing with ovarian cysts. This ovarian cyst treatment consists of the woman's abdomen being filled with gas in order to expand it. A special scope, called a laparoscope, is then inserted through a very small incision. The doctor then identify and remove small cysts with minimum complications.

Laparotomy is a more invasive version of the laparoscopic surgery. A larger incision is made in the abdomen in order for the doctor to remove ovarian cysts. In some cases, an ovarian cyst may twist inside the ovary. This can cause severe pan and nausea, sometimes even vomiting. Emergency surgery is then required for ovarian cyst treatment to correct and remove the twisted cysts.

A woman should seek medical care and ovarian cyst treatment if she feels any of the following symptoms.

• Severe abdominal pain or tenderness
• Fever
• Nausea or vomiting
• Weakness or dizziness
• A noticeable abdominal or pelvic mass

These can be signs that an ovarian cyst is more problematic than previously thought to be. Doctors may perform an ultrasound to find the cyst and determine what type of cyst it is. A doctor may recommend a surgical ovarian cyst treatment to remove the cyst or cysts.

Women with irregular menstrual cycles, as well as those who began their menstrual cycles at earlier ages, are more likely to develop ovarian cysts. Hypothyroidism or hormonal imbalance, and a larger upper body fat level can also be risk factors. Women should understand these potential risk factors when considering whether or not to seek ovarian cyst treatment.

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