Saturday, May 12, 2012

Electronic Prescriptions

SSMC will deploy ZixCorp's PocketScript e-prescribing technology to its 48 prescribers. As with other sponsored physicians and physician practices in Massachusetts, a portion of SSMC's PocketScript implementation costs will be subsidized by the eRx Collaborative.

PocketScript will enable SSMC physicians to write and generate prescriptions directly to pharmacies through either a wireless handheld PDA or a secure website. The application includes formulary information, a reference guide, allergy checking, and patient specific dispensed lists. PocketScript provides greater legibility, improved communication for greater patient safety, lower costs, and improved office efficiency.

South Shore Medical Center is rolling out its e-prescribing initiative in phases. With 31 active users in February, the practice logged 9,115 e-prescriptions written via PocketScript -- averaging more than 325 scripts per day, including weekends.

"The convenience and efficiency of PocketScript is highly valuable," said Dr. Ed Nalband of SSMC. "Not only can I prescribe from anywhere, anytime, but I have access to the medication histories of every patient in the practice, not just mine. The system also streamlines the refill process and enables the practice to have new patients entered and ready for prescriptions immediately. A big plus is that ZixCorp is willing to spend time to ensure we have everything we need to implement the system in the easiest manner possible. I feel strongly enough about PocketScript to highly recommend it to practices."

"Our expanding user base combined with the increasing number of prescriptions written using PocketScript shows that we're on the right course. Our training and utilization teams are doing an excellent job working with physicians like those at South Shore to ease the transition from pad and pen to a more efficient digital solution," said Kirk Paul Kirkman of ZixCorp.

SSMC is a multi-specialty private practice in Massachusetts.

ZixCorp provides secure e-messaging, e-prescribing, and e-transaction applications and services.

View the original article here

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