Monday, February 27, 2012

Signs and Symptoms of a Twin Pregnancy

            Many women find themselves looking for the signs and symptoms of a twin pregnancy. Twin pregnancies occur an average of one out of every eighty births, making them the most common form of multiple gestation a woman can experience. While you may not be able to know for certain for several weeks, there are some signs and symptoms of a twin pregnancy that could give you a hint early on. 

Because there are two babies instead of one, women who are pregnant with twins often experience weight gain on an increased level. One of the most common signs and symptoms of a twin pregnancy is rapidly gaining more weight than an average pregnancy would. By the second trimester, many twin pregnancies have already gained fifteen to twenty-five pounds. 

Of course, there are other pregnancy issues that can cause rapid weight gain. If you suspect that your weight gain is one of the signs and symptoms of a twin pregnancy, you should visit your doctor as soon as possible to rule out any alternative concerns. 

In the case of a multiple pregnancy, the uterus will need to expand much larger to make enough room. Becoming larger sooner in the pregnancy is another of the common signs and symptoms of a twin pregnancy. Many mothers of twins began showing their pregnancies much sooner than average. 

Measuring large can be deceiving, though. Women who have been pregnant before often find themselves measuring larger much sooner as well. In subsequent pregnancies the body is looser and more aware of the changes about to take place, which can cause it to begin expanding much sooner than in earlier pregnancies. 

More than half of the women who have twin pregnancies also experience more severe morning sickness. The hormones that cause morning sickness can be higher in a twin pregnancy, causing more morning sickness. Feeling over-the-top sick is one of the signs and symptoms of a twin pregnancy. 

If you are feeling severe morning sickness , constant or near-constant vomiting, and weakness or dizziness you should seek medical attention as soon as possible. Severe cases of morning sickness can be dangerous for a woman and her pregnancy. You may be required to take daily medication to prevent the vomiting and allow yourself to rest. 

Pregnancy can be tiring on its own, but the work required to carry and nourish two fetuses can be extremely draining. Feeling extreme fatigue is another common complains from mothers of multiples. Feeling extremely tired or weak early in the pregnancy could be one of the signs and symptoms of a twin pregnancy to look for. 

Most women do not feel movement until close to or after the mid-point in their pregnancies. Many mothers of multiples however claim that they were able to feel movement much earlier. Though there is disagreement among experts whether this claim is true or not, enough women have reported it to be one of the signs and symptoms of a twin pregnancy. 

Twin pregnancies account for roughly one of out every eighty births. If yo are worried that you may be carrying twins, knowing the signs and symptoms of a twin pregnancy can be very helpful. Early weight gain, increased size, and exaggerated pregnancy signs are all common in twin pregnancies. If you are unsure, seeing a medical doctor can help you determine if you are really carrying more than  one child. 

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