Monday, February 27, 2012

Ovarian Cyst Symptoms

Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs that develop inside a woman's ovaries. Though mostly harmless to have, these cysts can cause severe pain, bleeding, and sometimes require surgery to remove. Knowing the ovarian cyst symptoms to look for is important for every woman.

Once a month, every fertile woman releases an egg from one of her ovaries. These eggs are enclosed inside fluid filled sacs, called follicles, where they wait for estrogen levels to rise enough to signal that the uterus is ready. The egg is then either fertilized and begins pregnancy, or is expelled from the body during the menstrual cycle.

Ovarian cysts are small bubbles of fluid, sometimes caused by the follicle failing to release the egg. The fluid remains and creates a cyst. These can be present at any time, for some women there may be cysts present when normal follicles are developing. Most of these cysts  are not cancerous and disappear on their own within weeks. Some can develop into serious problems though, which need to be treated by a medical doctor.

For many women, ovarian cysts have no recognizable symptoms. They are often discovered by chance during routine exams or ultrasounds and present no problems at all. Some women, however, may experience one or more of the following ovarian cyst symptoms:

• Irregular menstrual periods
• Lower abdominal or pelvic pain. This pain may be sharp and sudden.
• Pelvic pain after exercise or intercourse.
• Pelvic and lower back pain during menstruation.
• A feeling of pressure or fullness in the pelvic or lower abdominal areas.
• Vaginal pain and spotting

For some women, ovarian cysts can case infertility or a decreased ability to conceive. Women who are having difficulty becoming pregnant should have their doctor check for ovarian cysts, even if other symptoms are not present.

In some cases, ovarian cyst symptoms present a sign that something more is wrong. The presence of  severe ovarian cyst symptoms should be immediately followed up by a doctor or other qualified health care provider. The severe ovarian cyst symptoms are:

• Fever
• Nausea or vomiting
• Pain or tenderness in the abdominal or pelvic area
• Abnormally heavy menstrual period
• Abnormally irregular menstrual periods
• Sudden weight loss
• Weakness or dizziness
• Sudden increase of facial hair
• Unexplained increase of decrease in blood pressure
• Excessive thirst or urination

If a woman is experiencing any of these severe ovarian cyst symptoms she should contact her health care provider or seek medical attention immediately. Tests may be done to see if the ovarian cysts are to cause and what treatment options to take.

Most women will experience ovarian cysts during their lifetime. These cysts are generally harmless, and may come and go quickly with few or no ovarian cyst symptoms. However, for some women these simple cysts can become painful and severe. Knowing the ovarian cyst symptoms to look for is important for every woman. When it comes to your health, it is always better to be safe than sorry.

View the original article here

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