Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Android apps that use the power of control API often are "battery killers", oh the irony

If there is something Purdue University researchers can be maintained, it is an ineffective Android application. They have already revealed how some titles burn a huge amount of energy while running advertisements (e.g., Angry Birds uses 63 per cent of its resources for the flogging of things rather that throwing things), and now they confirmed something that has long been suspected: numerous offers on Google game also contain serious bugs of energy." Specifically, these are the applications that use the control of the power of Android or wakelock API to prevent a phone in standby mode. Most developers use wakelocks correctly, but around error to a quarter of how they juggle the different API, which can cause a phone fully loaded drain "in as little as five hours." 187 Wakelock-operator apps tested, 42 contained errors – although academics gone name and shame. There is a chance that they list you the guilty when they present their book next week, which will also propose an automatic method for detecting the seeds. Who will be another app?

View the original article here

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