Thursday, March 1, 2012

How to Tell if Your Relationship Will End

Except for a few, rare people, most of us will have to face a relationship ending. When things begin to feel off, you may begin to wonder how to tell if your relationship will end. Whether it is just a feeling you have, or a few significant signs adding up, understanding how to tell if your relationship will end. 

Talking Becomes Rare

Couples need to communicate with each other, both to stay on the same page and to bond. When these conversations become few and far between, it may be a sign that your relationship will end. Couples on the end of their time often stop talking completely, or limit themselves to meaningless conversations such as the weather.

Couples should connect in conversations every day. These can be deep, personal discussions, or light-hearted talks about things you both enjoy. The act of talking to each other strengthens bonds and helps to forge new ones. Fewer and fewer of these can be a sign when wondering how to tell if your relationship will end.

Early in relationships, most couples spend hours together. From having dates to hanging out, time spent together is an important part of a relationship. When this time together becomes virtually nonexistent, it can be a way to tell if your relationship will end.

It is easy for life to get in the way and make the frequent dates of early relationships difficult. However, if one person in the relationship seems to never have enough time and is not interested in making time for the relationship, it might be over. This drifting apart is a common way of how to tell if your relationship will end.

Those little quirks, the ones that were once so cute, can start to seem huge as it becomes more obvious that a relationship will end. Because of this, fighting and bickering can become more common for the couple. Increased arguments is a simple way of how to tell if your relationship will end.

For some couples, it may seem as if one person is purposely starting fights frequently. This could be a sign that the person wants out of the relationship, but does not want to be the one that leaves first. Looking for fights can tell you if your relationship will end.

There is no denying that couples have a physical attachment as much as an emotional one. The two can often be wound into each other tightly. Thus, when one person's emotional attachment starts to fade, the physical intimacy fades as well. Noticing this may be how to tell if your relationship will end.

Losing intimacy does not have to mean just sexual intercourse. Hugging and kissing area just as tied into the emotional attachment a couple has. Even simple moments of contact, such as touching an arm or back, can provide small amounts of intimacy for a couple. Look for these things disappearing as yo look for how to tell if your relationship will end.

Most relationships will end at some point. Many of us have to work through several before finding the one relationship that is meant to last. Understanding the signs that occur near the end can help you know how to tell if your relationship will end. 

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