Friday, March 23, 2012

Child Electrical Safety

          For parents of young children, it is vitally important that matters of child electrical safety are dealt with. There are many dangers in the home that could easily kill or harm a young child. Of those, electricity is one of the most dangerous and most common. By looking for safety issues in the home, parents can take steps forward in addressing child electrical safety concerns.

The most basic and useful product to have is an electrical outlet cover. These small, plastic caps fit into electrical outlets and prevent children from placing things in the slots. They can be purchased at most hardware store and general stores for very little cost. Using these covers in any unused outlet in the home is the easiest way to prevent electrical dangers.

The modern kitchen has many electric appliances that can pose hazards to young children. From the toaster to the microwave, any appliance that plugs in could be a potential safety problem. Parents need to make sure that there are no cords in reach of children, and that all appliances are far enough back that children could not reach them.
Water and electricity are a dangerous combination, so all appliances that plug-in need to be away from the sink and any other sources of water. The best child electrical safety measures are to keep appliances unplugged when not in use. This prevents the risk of children becoming shocked from appliances they can reach.

Too many parents underestimate the electrical risks that can be fond in the bathroom. However, the large volumes of water that can be found in the sink, bathtub, and shower makes this room a potentially risky place. All outlets in the bathroom need to be covered with child electrical safety caps, and any small appliances that are used in the bathroom need to be kept out of reach. Hair dryers, curling irons, and chargers for electric razors can all be dangerous items when dropped into water.

Yong children should not be left alone in the bathroom, especially when water is present. This goes beyond child electrical safety, as other safety issues can come from young children and water.

There are times when electrical safety needs to be heeded outside as well. Power lines outside can pose serious dangers for children who play too near them. Power lines can often be near trees and rooftops. Children that climb can become tangled in lines, or attempt to climb onto the wires. Tree branches can also fall or break, causing the electrical wires to fall as well. Tree branches need to be trimmed back to prevent this from happening. Children should also be taught the child electrical safety guidelines of never touching or going near a power line.

Some outside toys, such as kites or toy gliders, can become trapped in power lines by children. The best child electrical safety guideline is to only play with these toys in areas where there are no power lines, such as a park or open field. If toys do become tangled children should not attempt to get them down themselves. Parents should call their local electricity company to have a professional retrieve the items. 

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