Tuesday, March 27, 2012

How to Fix a Bad Relationship with your Mother-In-Law

             For some women, at one point or another yo may find yourself in a place where you will need to fix a bad relationship with your mother-in-law. It may be a sudden disagreement, or a long term dislike, yet working to create peace and acceptance can be done the same way. Use just four simple steps to help fix a bad relationship with your mother-in-law
The problem may seem to be between you and your mother-in-law alone, yet it will take both you and your spouse to solve it. Make an agreement that you are going to work together to fix the bad relationship with your mother-in-law. Any steps that you choose to make should be together, and your spouse needs to be willing to support you when necessary.
Going towards the bad relationship with a united front makes it harder to pit one person against the other, which can further strain ties. Your spouse can use his or her place to help promote closeness between you and your mother-in-law, reminding each other of the positive traits each of you have.
Having unclear and uncertain boundaries can lead to a bad relationship forming. You and your spouse should discuss what boundaries your family need to have to maintain a peaceful co-existence with your mother-in-law. Issues such as visits, gossip, and certain conversations may need to be discussed.
Different families need different things, and it may even be possible that the issue that is bothering you is not as obvious to your mother-in-law. You may need to explain the reasoning for your boundaries to prevent any further hurt feelings on either side. When you and your mother-in-law know what is and is not acceptable it can be a positive step to fix a bad relationship with your mother-in-law.
It can be easy to sink to hurtful comments and actions. No matter how bad things may seem, or how much pain there already is, if you truly want to fix a bad relationship with your mother-in-law you will have to start with yourself. Be as polite and respectful as possible, even when you feel angry.
Of course, this does not mean that you have to allow yourself to be a doormat. You can politely hold set boundaries and choose to ignore negative comments and advice given. Acting in a polite manner, even when things seem to be very bad, can have a positive impact on the entire relationship. It may even make an unhappy mother-in-law begin to soften towards you. When both sides are acting respectfully, you will see huge improvements in efforts to fix a bad relationship with your mother-in-law.
Past comments and actions have a funny way of placing themselves back in the light when new problems surface. For the sake of working to fix a bad relationship with your mother-in-law, you may need to work on moving past old hurts. Learning to forgive and forget can ease tensions between you and your mother-in-law, as well as make new problems easier to deal with when they arise.
Bad relationships can happen between anyone, but when it happens between two family members it can create stress and pain for the entire family. Taking steps to fix a bad relationship with your mother-in-law is important to ease family tensions. Working with your spouse to create boundaries and making an effort to be polite are simple steps that anyone can take when things seem bad. If all else fails, learning to forgive and forget may be the best way to move past old hurts and create a new, happier relationship.

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