Sunday, March 25, 2012

How to Fix a Bad Relationship with your Partner

                    Sometimes even the best relationships can turn sour. When one or both people in a couple begin to feel that things are no longer as happy as they once were, it may be time to consider how to fix a bad relationship with your partner. Making an effort to make things right can turn a potential break-up back into a loving, happy relationship.
One of the quickest ways to ruin a good relationship is to fight with each other. Using juvenile tactics, such as name calling and insults, may make you feel superior but do nothing positive for both sides. Instead, think about communicating in a clear and open manner. That does not mean that yo will both always agree with each other, but it does stop the hurtful things that can tear a couple apart.
Do not bring up past incidents that have little or nothing to do with the current situation. Stick to the problem now, and be willing to hear the other side's thoughts even if you disagree. If you want to fix a bad relationship with your partner, you must be willing to accept that your partner may seem the same disagreement through a different perspective.
When things seem bad, they can quickly become worse. One simple way to fix a bad relationship with your partner is to call a temporary truce and let tempers decrease. Forcing yourself to stop, calm down, and refrain from saying or doing anything negative can help you to look at the relationship from a new perspective. Some couples have mandatory truce times, such as ending a fight before going to bed or before leaving for work.
A pause from fighting for even a short period of time may make the relationship seem less negative later on.
Love between partners is more than something you have, it is also something you do. When it seems as if the feelings of love are gone, acting with love can be a huge step towards fixing a bad relationship with your partner.
Do something that shows love for your partner every day. It can be as simple as serving a favorite meal, buying a gift, or just being physically attentive. A gentle touch on the arm, a hug, and a kiss can carry a couple through a temporary bad relationship. When we act with love, the feelings can begin to grow stronger again. Showing that you still care is always important when trying to fix a bad relationship with your partner.
For some, a bad relationship may be un-fixable. Knowing when it s best to let go can be one of the hardest things to do, but also the most loving thing for your partner and yourself. If you are making efforts to fix a bad relationship, yet things continue to become worse, it may be time to move on.
Making an effort to communicate rather than fight, calling truces when things seem bad, and acting with love are simple things that anyone can do to help fix a bad relationship with your partner.

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