Monday, June 18, 2012

Leader in burn care: two decades of success in South Africa

Our skin we protect the world and allows us to live. It suited us, extends as we grow, warns us of danger, allows us to feel the wind and the Sun. But it is also delicate. In areas of low resources, where women and children are more likely to spend time around the fire pit and of cooking stoves, victims of severe burns suffered a trauma that leaves them vulnerable so that most of us cannot imagine.

Twenty-one years, Johnson & Johnson burns treatment Centre opened its doors to the hospital Chris Hani Baragwanath academic in Johannesburg, South Africa. The hospital is located in Soweto, a mostly poor neighbourhood of Johannesburg, which the inhabitants were subjected to discrimination and violence under apartheid. At its opening, the Centre of treatment of Burns, was the only one of its kind in Africa and one area most commonly poverty and racial tensions. In two decades, the Centre has seen almost 12 000 patients and performed more than 9 000 procedures.

Today, physicians from around the world visit Soweto clinic to learn new skills in the management of combustion and the medical and nursing staff share a special knowledge of the needs of the most vulnerable people in the world to their most vulnerable moments. It is this understanding which led Victoria Makalima, Assistant Director of nursing at the Centre, to return to the school of training in Psychiatry, it could advise his patients and to provide emotional support to accompany their physical healing. "We measure the success of the management of injuries Burns by the successful assimilation of the patient in the community after injury." "If we have achieved which stated that we have achieved our goal," said Victoria.

In October, we have the privilege to participate in a professional development workshop special at the Centre, supported by the Corporation burn South Africa, highlight the progress in the treatment of Burns and the management. The symposium included two surgeries, including one to treat a patient Pediatric burn. The two procedures have been heard direct to 80 other surgeons and burn - remarkable health professionals reminded how can health and technology intersect to improve access to information on the health and care around the world.

The ability to restore health and well-being that is more than skin deep, it is so rewarding to work. The partnership that made possible the burn Centre is at the heart of the commitment of Johnson & Johnson to save and improve the lives, the skills of those who serve the community health must, prevent diseases and the reduction of stigma. Our vision of the significant improvements and long-term human health continues to be achieved through the hard work and dedication of multi-disciplinary specialists who blight of centre of the success, that it is today.

Roger Crawford is Executive Director, Government and political affairs Johnson & Johnson and recent recipient of the new life by the company to burn the South Africa. Conrad is Director, worldwide Contributions, Johnson & Johnson.


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