Thursday, March 15, 2012

How to hold an effective family meeting

        Family meetings can be important events for any family. When you hold an effective family meeting, you give everyone in the family a chance to discuss issues and decisions that effect everyone. From simple disagreements to planning upcoming opportunities, having effective family meetings are a great way to keep everyone connected and on the same page.

Keep The Focus On the Family Meeting

Many people today stay connected to the world around them at all times. Cellphones, laptops, and portable games can all be distracting, not only to the person using actively using them. Set specific rules on focusing during a family meeting. It is much easier to hold an effective family meeting when everyone is paying attention.

Even in families, it can be common for conversations to be dominated by one or two people. Personalities and passions can make some people more likely to speak up, while others go unheard. Give every member of the family a chance to speak up if they wish. They may not have a thought or opinion to add, but allowing them a chance will make them fee more comfortable if they do wish to speak up later. When everyone has the opportunity to be heard you are more likely to hold an effective family meeting.

Some families may feel more inclined to use family meetings to discuss problems that have happened recently in the family. Repeatedly using this time to focus on the negative can be stressful for many people. To hold an effective family meeting, there needs to be a balance of positive and negative topics being discussed. Encourage kids to share things that happened during the week that they enjoyed. Kids can also use the time to practice complimenting each other, a good way to reduce sibling fighting and promote bonding.

It is difficult to hold an effective family meeting if everyone in the family is tired, cranky, hungry, or feeling rushed. Plan the meetings for times when everyone can be present and in their best attitude. Mornings can be better than evenings, as they give everyone a chance to sleep on previous issues and not be weighed down by new stresses of the day.

If family meetings are sporadic, they are less likely to be truly effective. To hold an effective family meeting, they should be a regularly scheduled event for the family. Once a week is a good schedule that many families use. This allows your family a chance to air grievances and discuss upcoming events in a timely fashion. Families that are extremely busy, or have erratic schedules, will need to make family meetings a priority.

If your family seems unhappy or uninterested, this can make it more difficult to hold an effective family meeting. Plan activities that the entire family can enjoy after your family meetings. Board or card games, family crafts, or family movie times will promote bonding between family members. When these meetings become associated with fun activities, your family becomes more interested in joining the meetings. Their willingness helps you to hold an effective family meeting.

Family meetings can be good ways for families to connect, discuss, and share openly with each other. Families of all sizes can benefit from having regular meetings. Using these simple tips, you can hold an effective family meeting. 

View the original article here

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