Saturday, January 7, 2012

You better shop

                                                       If the circumstances you a position where you are considering selling structured payments, make sure that you shop for the best buyer. And when you are shopping, keep two things in mind:
1 Price: Make sure that you get the best, or close to the best price for your payments.
2 Service: Make sure you that you are dealing with a buyer who treats you fairly, working with you to meet your needs, and is not afraid to give you advice - even if it means inform you is not for sale any portion of your payments.
It is easy to shop on price - make sure to ask every purchaser to verify that all costs were provided and are included in the price of the city. It is a little more difficult to identify the purchaser with the best service. Ask questions, get a feel for whether the buyer is interested in your situation or just try a sale, see if you feel a report with the buyer, if buyer seems insistent. Your initial conversation can give you a good feel for how will your transaction. An even better way to evaluate the service by the referral bias - ask your attorney or broker settlement structured recommend factoring firm. Not only you get advice sound, based on the experience, you'll also have the opportunity to ask questions attorney or broker on the sale that you consider.
Strategic capital is primarily working on the references. Our philosophy is that "this is not what is fact, this is how it is made". Lawyers and brokers regulation structured that designate us for annuitants are because they know that we will provide the most competitive price, best service and unbiased advice - even if that means advising against selling payments.

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